Friday, November 5, 2010

A Temporary Sign of Relief

          I’ve spent the majority of today working on my MGRP and can now honestly
say that I have really enjoyed this project.  My topic, Reciprocal Teaching, is something that I’ve always been interested in, so it was a good excuse to delve deeper into the topic.  Also, I was able to use the same research information to create a paper for P540 – I multi-genred my multi genre report!  Yay!
          Creating the multi genre pieces was fun!  I so love the creative process and believe that this project covers many aspects of writing and expression that are important for students to understand.  I wish it didn’t take me so long to complete each step, but I feel that my rationale and reflections cover the necessary requirements as stated on the rubric on Oncourse.
Overall, I’m satisfied with what has developed and was able to breathe a temporary sigh of relief upon completion of this assignment before realizing that now I need to complete my student teaching information, write yet another reflection paper for P540 before creating a 2500-3000 word “super summary”, research information for the student choice assignment in math, teach and reflect on a math lesson, create a literacy invitation,  submit one more professional development reflection, reflect on and present my science lesson, and then there’s this textbook project for math.  Anyone know anything about it?  (Or major assignments I'm forgetting?!)
Yes, it was a temporary sigh of relief . . . 


  1. I don't know about our math textbook assignment, but I did one in my middle school math class and it wasn't bad. I'm just not sure how any of us will find time to work in a group!

    Don't forget those little pages you have to do for seminar. You've probably done them already. I can't even remember how many I'm supposed to do!

    As for the genre pieces, I'm almost done making them. It's been a struggle for me.

  2. I was feeling good about finishing my genre pieces until reading the last paragraph of your post! Ah!

    At any rate, good job on the MGRP!

  3. I was initially very skeptical of the genres, but once I began them. I became enthralled in them. I didn't want to stop until I was finished!
